Atari Tos 1.02

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Has anyone got any idea where (in th UK) I can get my TOS upgraded? I'mcurrently running an STFM with TOS 1.02, and I really think that Ishould go up to at least 1.4.On a related note, what bug fixes would I require for a machine withTOS1.4?!cheers,john.- j o h n t u f f e n -web-c o n t i n u o u s E v o l u t i o n-latest demo tape: `96' - email me for details.

  1. Atari Tos 1.04
  2. Atari Tos Download

Well, it depends what are you main applications. If you want to runcubase and prg like that they are OS dependant, so be carefull.If you want to play games same remark as above.Now if you run GEM programs most of the time you should get Magic.When I say Gem programs I mean cleanly written, also include tos andttp programs.Why bother buying tos 1.4 or 1.6 for 59 bucks when you can get Magicfor 99 bucks.Magic will replace your OS, I mean totally replace it.It's a multitasking OS, with long filename support, faster than anyTOS, and a lot nicer.Don't bother with a new TOS version. ( unless as I said you runspecific programs, but since Magic run in RAM, you still keep your OLDTOS ROM version, just don't load Magic in this case.)Bye. Has anyone got any idea where (in th UK) I can get my TOS upgraded? I'mcurrently running an STFM with TOS 1.02, and I really think that Ishould go up to at least 1.4.On a related note, what bug fixes would I require for a machine withTOS1.4?!cheers,john.- j o h n t u f f e n -web-c o n t i n u o u s E v o l u t i o n-latest demo tape: `96' - email me for details- Web. J Has anyone got any idea where (in th UK) I can get my TOS upgraded?j I'm currently running an STFM with TOS 1.02, and I really think thatj I should go up to at least 1.4.Try The Upgrade Shop 48 or Systems Solutions 01.

Itshould cost you between?25-?50 for some new ROMS.BUT. Have you thought of the software solution? Get MagiC (v2 will be OKfor STFM). It is about the same price and replaces the WHOLE o/s. It willtake some of your RAM to do this but maybe what you should be thinking of isMagiC plus a RAM expansion anyway.j On a related note, what bug fixes would I require for a machine withj TOS1.4?!According to Mark Baines' A-Z: TOS14FIX, POOLFIX3, CACHEXXX, FOLDERXXX andMAKEFAST.Roger-Via the Net2Net NeST gateway - 90:100/999.

Re: TOS 1.02 - TOS1.4, Mr M P Wilson wrote to All on 03 Oct 96:MMPW POOLFIX# has been updated and rereleased as POOLFIX4 but it fixes a bugMMPW that is really rare(I forget what).PoolFix fixes a bug that's hardly rare. It's a bug in the pool handlingsystem, introduced when Atari fixed the FOLDRnnn bug.


If you don't use it, youWILL get some crashes you wouldn't otherwise get.MMPW FOLDERXXX isnt needed,it was a fix for the 40 folder bug in tos 1.2 andMMPW doesnt occur in 1.4.It wont do any harm to run it,but it wont do anyMMPW good either as it wont install.Again, not true. The bug is fixed, where closed folders no longer freed uptheir slot, but you still might need it if you have a lot of folders open atthe same time or if you use a program that is very memory-intensive.MMPW I dont know what makefast does.I think it could be somehthing to doMMPW with compiling.Makefast simply sets the fastload bits on executables, so that all your memoryisn't cleared before they are ran. It speeds up program loading. Pinhead/Warp9 is a better solution, though. LED v1.45. 24 hours in a day. 24 beers in a case.

M I dont know what makefast does.I think itm could be somehthing to do with compiling.It sets the FASTLOAD bit in program file header blocks.This is recognised by TOS 1.4 and speeds up loading by avoiding clearinguninitialised data segments on loading. This is fine for most programs butcan.up those which are badly programmed to assumed alluninitialised data is zero.Roger-Via the Net2Net NeST gateway - 90:100/999. m I dont know what makefast does.I think it m could be somehthing to do with compiling.It sets the FASTLOAD bit in program file header blocks.This is recognised by TOS 1.4 and speeds up loading by avoiding clearinguninitialised data segments on loading. This is fine for most programs butcan.up those which are badly programmed to assumed alluninitialised data is zero.If you use PageStream! You really need this! It turns the endless waitwhile all the imp and exp modules load in into approx a 5 sec.

Contents.Introductionis an Atari ST(E), TT and falcon emulator. The Atari ST was a 16/32 bits home computer.The Wii version has specific features:. A virtual keyboard to send Atari ST keys to software. A mapper to bind ST keys to Wii controllers. Mouse emulation with Wiimote pointer, classic and GameCube controller stick/d-pad.

10 memory snapshots per game. A simple image viewerInstalling and running the EmulatorNote, inside the archive read 'ManualHatariWii.pdf' and 'manual.html' for in depth information!Install the Emulator by unpacking the archive to a USB drive or SD card.

The folder structure will be created and Hatari can then be launched directly with the Homebrew channel, or any other homebrewlauncher. It also can be used as a plugin, and launched with command arguments through WiiFlow or Postloader (see Wiiflow plugin section).

The emulator and folders can be copied on SD card, or USB drive.When the emulator starts, it looks for a configuration file (hatari.cfg) and aTOS file in the current directory. Here is the default directory structure:/apps/hatarithe default executable (boot.dol), configuration file (hatari.cfg) and TOS (tos.img) directory./hatari/fdthe floppy disk directory. Copy the games and softwares images here. The supported floppy images formats,.stx,.msa, or.dim./hatari/saves: the memory snapshots are saved in this directory./hatari/hd: hard disk directory./hatari/doc: document directory. Manuals in image format can be stored here. The image viewer can read.png,.jpg or.bmp files.TOSThe tos file is the operated system. By default, it should be named tos.img, and placed in /apps/hatari.

Atari Tos 1.04

The included Tos is a free version, and is called the Emutos. For better compatibility, use original TOS 1.02 or 1.04 for ST games, and TOS 1.62 or 2.06 for STE games.Tos 3.0x are for TT, and 4.0x are for falcon (untested in the Wii version).Controls In game controlsActionorJoystick direction + MouseJoystick direction onlyMouse (A for left button, B for right)ST Fire button /Left MouseEnter graphic vitual keyboardEnter menuChangelog Version v0.5. ST mouse can be emulated with Wii controllers sticks or d-pads. A better and nicer virtual keyboard. The mapper is improved. It's also possible to configure the d-pads.

A new savegame system. 10 available slots with previews. A simple image viewer.

Atari Tos Download

A lot of cleanups and other improvements.NotesThe port is based on Hatari 1.9.0.Read the following included files inside the zip archive for more information about Hatari Wii and the Hatari emulator in general.- ManualHatariWii.pdf: Wii manual.- manual.html: Original PC manual. Hatari Wii is shipped with Emutos, a free TOS. Use a real TOS for better compatibility!. The keypad numbers on the virtual keyboard don't correspond to the real ST scancodes. In fact, the scancodes are those of the numbers on top of the ST keyboard.Very few games need the keypad.

One of these games is Welltris. A workaround to bind the keypad to Wii pads is to edit the.cfg manually by adding the scancodes.Here is an example:in Joystick0 section, modify nKeytoJoyWii1Left = 104 for key '4' on d-pad Left and nKeytoJoyWii1Right = 108 for key '6' on d-pad Right.You can find the scancodes here:. The codes have to be converted from hexa to decimal. The Wiiflow plugin has been essentially tested with an SD card and USB drive setup. For USB only, the default paths may require some tweakings in hatari.cfg. A manual located in the Doc folder can be read directly in the emulator.

It's an image version of the ManualHatariWii.pdf.wiimpathy, august 2016.