Plagiarism Detection Program Using Java

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PlagDetect: a Java programming plagiarism detection tool PlagDetect: a Java programming plagiarism detection toolAl-Khanjari, Z. A.; Fiaidhi, J. A.; Al-Hinai, R. A.; Kutti, N.

S.2010-12-01 00:00:00co m p re h e n s i v e a r t i c l e s PlagDetect: A Java Programming Plagiarism Detection Tool By Al-Khanjari, Z.A., Fiaidhi, J.A., Al-Hinai, R.A. And Kutti, N.S. 1001 circuits iso game. P. ractical computing courses that involve signi cant amount of programming assessment tasks suffer from e-Plagiarism. A pragmatic solution for this problem could be by discouraging plagiarism particularly among the beginners in programming.


One way to address this is to automate the detection of plagiarized work during the marking phase. Our research in this context involves at rst examining various metrics used in plagiarism detection in program codes and secondly selecting an appropriate statistical measure using attribute counting metrics (ATMs) for detecting plagiarism in Java programming assignments. The goal of this investigation is to study the effectiveness of ATMs for detecting plagiarism among assignment submissions of introductory programming courses.

Plagiarism Detection Program Using Java Script

Plagiarism detection program using java software

Acm Inroads 2010 December ¢ Vol. 4 comprehensive articles 1.0 INTRODUCTION Plagiarism in programming assignments has become a trivial task particularly due to electronic submission of student assignments. According to Parker and Hamblen 12 a plagiarized program is copied version of another program with a small number of textACM Inroads Association for Computing Machinery Abstractco m p re h e n s i v e a r t i c l e s PlagDetect: A Java Programming Plagiarism Detection Tool By Al-Khanjari, Z.A., Fiaidhi, J.A., Al-Hinai, R.A. And Kutti, N.S.

Plagiarism Detection Program Using Java Test

P. ractical computing courses that involve signi cant amount of programming assessment tasks suffer from e-Plagiarism.

A pragmatic solution for this problem could be by discouraging plagiarism particularly among the beginners in programming. One way to address this is to automate the detection of plagiarized work during the marking phase. Our research in this context involves at rst examining various metrics used in plagiarism detection in program codes and secondly selecting an appropriate statistical measure using attribute counting metrics (ATMs) for detecting plagiarism in Java programming assignments. The goal of this investigation is to study the effectiveness of ATMs for detecting plagiarism among assignment submissions of introductory programming courses. Acm Inroads 2010 December ¢ Vol. 4 comprehensive articles 1.0 INTRODUCTION Plagiarism in programming assignments has become a trivial task particularly due to electronic submission of student assignments. According to Parker and Hamblen 12 a plagiarized program is copied version of another program with a small number of textJournalACM Inroads– Association for Computing MachineryPublished: Dec 1, 2010.

Detecting PlagiarismDetecting Plagiarism in ICSPlagiarism is a recognized problem at UCI and nationwide,and our classes in ICS are not immune. Below is a summary of some of the issues to consider and services available.Why Plagiarism Deserves an Instructor's AttentionWe don't like to think that our students might try to get credit for work they didn't do. But it happens.

It's not that students come to the university with the intent to cheat their way to a degree. But sometimes things are harder than they anticipated—maybe because they planned poorly, maybe because they weren't well prepared, maybe because high school was easy for them and hard academic work is a new experience.

Most often, students cheat when they're up against a deadline they can't meet and they resort to a dishonest shortcut. That doesn't make the cheating okay, but it does suggest that we may be able to prevent cheating sometimes, and in cheating cases, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.Students will be less likely to cheat if they feel they can ask for help when they need it, if assignments come with periodic milestones so students realize sooner that they're having trouble, and if due dates aren't late at night when students' judgement is at its worst.

Students are also less likely to cheat if the instructor knows their name and if they feel as if the instructor actually cares about how they're doing in the class.Instructors may be tempted to ignore cheating, since detecting and reporting it takes some time and effort. But that's a poor strategy. For one thing, students in a class will know when there's cheating going on, and if they don't think the instructor cares about it, they'll lose respect for the instructor and the value of the course. For another, instructors should want the grades they give to be an accurate measure of the students' actual mastery of the material.

Plagiarism Detection Program Using Java Free

And finally, if cheating is believed to be widespread, it lowers the reputation of the entire academic program.Detecting Plagiarism in CodeTo detect plagiarized code, the most popular tool is the system. (If you already know you want to use MOSS this quarter, skip to' below). Using MOSS involves packaging up students'solutions, submitting them for automated examination, and reviewing the results.Here's a bit of background about the process:There's a long history of automated systems for detecting plagiarizedcode. They're useful for detecting 'equivalence classes'of programs, though of course a trained human eye still needs to reviewwhat the system turns up before any accusations are made.Another characteristic is that these systems don'twork well for short, highly constrained solutions.

If there's not muchroom for variation in the first place, similarity may not indicate collusion.Thus, assignments with solutions shorter than about two pages of code aren'tusually worth checking with these systems.The MOSS system runs at Stanford and is managed byAlex Aiken (who was Alex Nicolau's student). There are details at. It works for programs written in C, C, Java, Pascal, Ada, ML, Lisp,or Scheme. Its results come back as a web page that highlights suspiciouspairs and eases navigation to the similar sections of code.

MOSS can alsoeliminate from consideration common code supplied by the instructor.Detecting Plagiarism in ProseAnother service, at,attempts to identify plagiarism in English prose. UCI has an agreement that allows UCI faculty unlimited use of their service. However,this agreement requires that students sign a form with some specific provisions.For details, see the page.Getting StartedIf you'd like to try MOSS, go to the and follow the instructions there. Leave a little time in advance, since you need to register for an account.If there was common 'starting point' code that all the students used, have that available.