Serious Sam 5

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Contents BiographySam was born and raised in the United States sometime during the 22nd century, though not much is known about Sam's past. At some point in his life, he attended a high school, and was nicknamed 'Hairy' by his friends; this nickname apparently had something to do with goats, according to a conversation he had with in. His left foot is bigger than his right foot, and he also has a birthmark in a 'very delicate spot'. He is also a fan of bananas, as mentioned multiple times in.Later on in Sam's life, he joined the and eventually became a Captain, and piloted the Battlecruiser Saratoga. During Mental's, Sam fought against the alien invaders, and, like many members of the Earth Defense Force, rallied with them to defend his planet.AppearancesSam was en route to Cairo as part of Team Alpha, in order to rescue and extract professor Stein.Sam is first seen on an, which is escorting him and his team to the Cairo museum, where their objective is to secure, who, as he claims, has found a way to power up the, a mysterious device that can send someone through time. Halfway there, Sam's helicopter is shot down, and his comrades are killed before they can even get to the museum, so he goes to rescue Professor Stein himself. Unfortunately, Professor Stein is killed by, but Sam is able to upload the data to HQ from Stein's cell phone.After heading outside the museum, Sam is contacted by Garret, an pilot.

He tells Sam that he will meet him at the designated extraction point, which Sam soon makes his way to, but the chopper is shot down by a Major Bio-mechanoid by the time Garret arrives. Sam kills the Bio-mechanoid and contacts Quinn, who requests that he makes his way to the crash site and rescue the pilot, but he is already too late, as a 'hijacks' and becomes one with the chopper. Sam later shoots it down.Afterwards, Sam makes his way through the city of Cairo to the, but encounters a on his way. He damages it, but it escapes. Sam then proceeds to the Sphinx, which he blows up with C-4 and finds a secret chamber within, built by the Sirians, along with. He then heads outside for extraction.

Comes in with her chopper and transports Sam over to the Temple of Karnak, where he has to activate the. After activating it, he continues his journey to Luxor.When he arrives at Luxor, he activates the second plasma generator, Anubis, though he soon re-encounters the warship he fought against in Cairo.

This time, Sam destroys it. After his extraction arrives, Wilson receives new orders from HQ. He tells Sam that the Time-Lock did not come online successfully, so he sends Sam to the island of, where they believe the Time-Lock control room is located. On the island, Sam makes his way into the Sirian chamber in the tomb of Isis, but is unable to find the control room. Quinn tells him there is a boat which he take to. There, Quinn tells Sam that he needs to find the statue of Nefertari and place it next to the statue of Ramses the Great to unlock the door to what may be the Time-Lock control room. After doing so, Sam comes across a seal, but not the control room.

She tells him that this seal can open a tomb located about 3 miles from Abu Simbel.Heading to his next objective, Sam fights more of Mental's forces as he gets to the tomb, where he is successful in activating the Time-Lock from the control room. Once he gets outside, he comes face to face with a massive Scrapjack, Raahloom the Imposing Prototype. After defeating this massive beast, Wilson picks up him once again. Later on, Sam and Wilson are flying over dunes, when a Major Bio-mech rises out of the sand and shoots them down.


Sam loses all his equipment in the fall, and is also unable to contact HQ due as his earpiece broke in the fall.Sam fights his way in the dunes and into a tomb. When he exits the tomb, he findsa way to communicate with HQ, but only to find that they have been ambushed by Mental's forces. With the Earth Defense Force gone, Sam reaches the Time-Lock to travel back in time. He finds a car and fills it with gas, and heads for the Temple of Hatshepsut. After waves and waves of non-stop enemies, Sam reaches the Time-Lock, with only one obstacle in his way;. He manages to defeat him and get to the Time-Lock.Before he departs, Sam makes a quick phone-call to, but his daughter, picks up the phone and asks Sam to leave a message. Sam tells her to tell Mental that 'Sam is coming over to play.

And by play, I mean kill him.' Judy asked him if he is serious, to which he replies, 'why yes. As a matter of fact, I am.'

With scant few seconds before the Earth is 'mooned' by Mental (Mental literally sent the Moon hurtling towards the Earth), Sam jumps into the Time-Lock, sending him back in time, to Ancient.After entering the Time-Lock in Serious Sam 3, Sam was sent back in time to Ancient Egypt.After the events of Serious Sam 3: BFE, Sam is teleported back in time to ancient to find a spaceship, which was hidden by the. Sam will need to use this ship to travel to and assassinate. First, he has to obtain four magical elements which are needed to get into the grand city of. After collecting all of the elements, Sam fights his way to the Memphis metropolis and the Temple of Ptah. There, in the temple, lies the.

Neither Sam nor know its purpose, but they head towards. After days of walking in the desert, Sam finally reaches the, where he places the four elements onto the four respective altars, in a giant yard, and summons an. After destroying it, Sam proceeds to, where he finds some Sirian hieroglyphs, which NETRICSA translates for him. They say that the Sirians themselves did not live in, but in, so Sam goes there, and finds a transmitter, which he uses to call the Sirian spaceship, the. Clearing his way to the Great Pyramid, he encounters a, Ugh-Zan III, whom he defeats, and then proceeds to get teleported aboard the spaceship and depart for Sirius. Or so he thinks.Sam is seen traveling aboard the Sirian spaceship, but something collides into it, bringing it down to Earth ( The Second Encounter opening cutscene shows a full of crashing into it, though this may be non-canon). The spaceship crash-lands in South American mountains.

Fortunately for Sam, the Sirians left a backup spaceship in case something happened to the original, but, according to NETRICSA, it is located in a different time period.Luckily for Sam, the Sirians left a in each major civilization that lived on Earth, one of them being the Mayan civilization. Apparently, the Mayan Time-Lock is in, in the Sun Pyramid. So, Sam makes his way there, where he encounters the Mayan Wind God.

After a big fight involving him and Mental's forces. The Wind God activates the Time-Lock for him and allows him to use it. After traveling in time, again, Sam finds himself in Persia. He's at a ziggurat, and from there he must fight his way to the, where the Persian Time-Lock resides, along with an. After killing the monster, Sam uses the Time-Lock, and travels forward in time once again, for the last time.Sam has arrived in the year 1138 AD in the small Polish village of. NETRICSA informs him that there is a castle which contains an old book known as the Book of Wisdom, which will help guide him in finding the. This book was made by the Arc-Al-Magi, a clan of wizards who knew about the Sirians and are the keepers of the Holy Grail.

Having obtained the book, Sam learns from the book that the Holy Grail is located in a legendary ice castle. However, by the time Sam reaches the castle, he discovers that Mental has stolen it and placed within the Church of Sacred Blood.Determined to get the Holy Grail, Sam makes his way to, where he has to defeat massive hordes of Mental's army.

As usual, Sam kills them all and heads to the church, and finds out that, one of Mental's evil servants, is the guardian of the Grail. Sam kills him and then enters the church, and finally obtains the Holy Grail.

Serious Sam 5 Release Date

After hearing a phone ringing in one of the confession booths, Sam gets Mental on the other end of the line. Sam then confesses his 'sins' to Mental, and sarcastically remarks how 'sorry' he is for killing his forces. After a small chit-chat, Sam then threatens Mental before departing in the Sirian backup spaceship to, so he can finish off Mental for good.AppearanceSam's appearance has varied to some degree throughout the series.In, Sam wore shades, and had a shirt. He also wore jeans and of course, there were the infamous red sneakers.

In, Sam did not wear shades, but he did retain his overall look from the last game.Sam had (almost) the same appearance as he had in Serious Sam: Xbox, only with 'Serious Sam II' written on the back of his t-shirt.Sam wears a similar outfit to the one he wears in Serious Sam 1, though he appears much more muscular in build, and wears a white vest with the Serious Sam logo on it instead of his usual white t-shirt.For some reason, Sam seems to be much older than in the other games. He is a lot more thin than in the other games, has a white beard on his chin, longer hair, the same t-shirt from Serious Sam 1 and his signature jeans, but the jeans seem to be longer. He is also covered in bandages.Yet another new look, he looked unshaved, he has a t-shirt with sleeves, except for the left sleeve, which was ripped and he had a tattoo on his arm. Jeans and red sneakers are the same, of course.Sam wears the same outfit from Serious Sam 2, but he is much fatter and bigger than in the other games.Sam had a whole different look, new face, new shirt, same jeans and red sneakers.

And no shades.Sam´s new look in Serious Sam 3: BFE.Sam now looks younger, most likely because the game takes place before The First Encounter. In this game, he wears orange sunglasses, leather gloves, a watch on his left hand (later covered by a ), a simple white t-shirt with his logo faded on the back, jeans with two pockets, and kneepads on both legs. He also carries a utility belt with an in-built flashlight.Appearance-wise, Sam looks almost exactly the same as he does in Serious Sam 3, with a white shirt, blue jeans, and black sunglasses.Personality and skillsBy nature, Sam is firm, kind, prudent, brave, and full of courage, though he can occasionally be cocky and overzealous. He always tries not to discredit his good name and help the weak. He likes to have fun every now and then, and doesn't mind drinking. Although he is often faced with many challenges, he is always ready to cope with them. Sam is very clever and cunning, he is excellently oriented in non-standard situations and very quickly understands.

Serious Sam 2 Level 5


Without these qualities, he would not have been able to survive in battles against Mental's alien forces. He prefers not to wear his seatbelt when flying helicopters. As it turns out later, this saves his life more than once when a helicopter is shot down and it crashes.He has a somewhat cocky attitude, as shown in Serious Sam 3. An instance of this is when Quinn tried to assist Sam with how to get into the Great Pyramid, but instead Sam decided to do it his way and blew the Sphinx up with C-4. This could be due to the fact that he prefers to get things done his way rather than other methods.

Despite this, Sam has also shown extreme bravery when facing his enemies, and is determined to defeat anything that stands in his way, regardless of its size.Sam is shown to be very physically strong. This is shown in multiple instances Serious Sam 3: BFE with the feature; he is able to easily snap a or an neck, tear a 's skull off by its horns or rip out a 's eye from its socket or a 's heart from his ribcage. He is also skilled with using melee weapons, such as the, or.He has a thing for women with large breasts, as shown in upon inspecting the statue of Isis. He comments that the statue has 'nice cans' and hilariously remarks that 'Hellfire better watch out, this one's stacked like a tree on Christmas morning.' Sam is also very proficient with the use of firearms and explosives, though this is most likely due to training exercises during his time working for the Earth Defense Force. He is able to mow down hordes of enemies with any automatic weapon, be it an assault rifle, submachine gun, or his signature weapon, the.

He also likes shotguns and his minigun, as he addresses the and the minigun as 'his old loves'. He is also a fan of rocket launchers, as shown when flirting with Hellfire and several one-liners in Serious Sam 1.RelationshipsLittle is known about Sam and Hellfire's relationship between them, as she only appears a couple of times throughout the game. In a friendly debate, Sam invites the girl for a date 'with a bottle of whiskey and a pair of rocket launchers,' and, to top it off a notch, tells her that they will 'make an evening out of it', but she states that she is more of a 'minigun girl'.

Despite the fact that the relationship of the characters is not disclosed, it can be assumed that there is some sympathy between them, which, however, does not develop into something more due to some light conflict, personal differences and a military environment that is not particularly conducive to romance.When Wilson arrived to pick Sam up from Luxor, Sam thought it was Hellfire at first, but is disappointed after hearing Wilson's voice, much to his annoyance. Based on their conversations, it can be suggested that Sam and Wilson like to joke around, though they may have not always had a stable friendship.Rodriguez and Sam appeared to get along to a certain degree, though Rodriguez started berating Sam after he fell out of the helicopter due to not wearing his seatbelt. Sam would also get annoyed with Rodriguez when he got cocky about the mission objective on their way to Cairo.Trivia. He sarcastically remarks how much he 'likes' keys, as he has to pick up a lot of keys throughout the campaign. Sam hates puzzles, according to, where in the second level he must acquire a key to open a door, and crates, according to when he finds Croteam's secret crate bus in. Sam wears sneakers that are very similar to.

The Talos Principle features an Easter egg with Sam frozen in carbonite, which is a reference to Han Solo. For the same game, an addition was released, adding an alternative voice of the central character of Elohim in the person of Sam Stone, performed by his original actor. In the independent game Combat Force there is a main character named Sam, depicted as a young man in a white T-shirt. According to the developer, this is a reference to Serious Sam.

Sam hates the yell of. This is mentioned several times in Serious Sam 3: BFE and once in Serious Sam: The First Encounter. Sam was intended to appear in the singleplayer DLC as a small Easter egg, but was cut. Sam's appearance in the DLC was to be just a severed head with a Joker-like smile drawn on his face and Duke was to say 'Why so serious?'

Later, in Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour, Sam appears as he did on The First Encounter boxart as a limbless carcass without the Joker makeup (likely due to copyright reasons). Duke then says to him, 'Why so serious, Sam?' . According to Mental, he is likely Mental's son due to his inhuman fighting abilities against Mental's army, though this has not been confirmed by.Gallery Serious Sam 1 Pre-release.