Orientation/training Program For New Sales Clerks

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Orienting New Employees (New Hires, On-Boarding)© Copyright. Sections of This Topic IncludeAlso considerLearn More in the Library's Blogs Related to Employee Orientation and OnboardingIn addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogsthat have posts related to Employee Orientation and On-Boarding. Scan down theblog's page to see various posts.

Also see the section 'Recent Blog Posts'in the sidebar of the blog or click on 'next' near the bottom of apost in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.What is Orientation? What is On-Boarding?Planning an orientation to employees should be as carefully done as planninga systematic approach to training. For example, there should be overall goalsthat you want to accomplish with the orientation. There should be carefullychosen activities and materials used in the orientation to achieve the goals.Participants should produce certain tangible results that can be referencedto evaluate the orientation both during and after the orientation.A progressive view of orientation is that of 'on-boarding.'

On-boardingworks from the perspective that the organization must do all it can to fullyequip the employee for maximum performance for the organization - and for maximumfulfillment of the employee. Some organizations have on-boarding programs thatlast up to a year, where the employee experiences a several-day orientationprogram, which includes, not only the orientation to the facilities and personnel,but also various self-assessments for the employee to get clear on what he orshe wants from employment in the organization. The employee might be placedin a peer group of fellow, new employees who share advice and other feedbackto learn more about the company and other roles in the organization.

Basic Checklist to Orient EmployeesWhile the approach to on-boarding is usually quite unique to the nature andneeds of an organization, here's a checklist that can be used to orient an employeeto an organization. The following activities should be conducted by the employee'ssupervisor.

The checklist is relevant to the activities that should occur afterthe employee has received a. Before the Employee Begins Employment, Send a Welcome LetterVerify the exact starting date and also provide a copy of the employee policiesand procedures manual. Note that you'll dedicate time for them to review themanual later. Do not specify the terms of salary and compensation - that shouldhave been included in the job offer. Provide a Job Description and Any Suggested Performance GoalsAll employees deserve explanation of what is expected from them.

A job description,which explains duties and responsibilities, often is not enough. Therefore,suggest some additional areas of focus, ideally in the context of performancegoals for the employee to address especially during the first year of employment.Make it clear that you will discuss these with the employee soon. When the Employee Begins Employment, Meet With Them Right AwayExplain how they will be trained, introduce them to staff, give them keys,get them to sign any needed benefit and tax forms, explain the time-recordingsystem (if applicable), and provide them copies of important documents (an organizationchart, last year's final report, the strategic plan, this year's budget, andthe employee's policies and procedure manual if they did not get one already. Show Them the FacilitiesShow them the layout of offices, bathrooms, storage areas, kitchen use, copyand fax systems, computer configuration and procedures, telephone usage andany special billing procedures for use of office systems. Review any Policiesand/or procedures about use of facilities. Schedule Any Needed Computer TrainingInclude training about the most frequently used software applications. Besure the employees learn any security procedures for computer information, includingcareful use of passwords, overview of location of manuals and other useful documentation,location and use of computer networks and other peripherals, and where to goto get questions answered.

Assign a Staff Member As Their 'Buddy'This is extremely important. Identify another employee, other than you (thesupervisor), that the employee might quickly establish rapport with, to poseany questions that the employee is not comfortable posing to the supervisor.The buddy can invite the new employee to various social functions undertakenby other employees.

Take Them to Lunch on the First DayUse this opportunity to be with them in other than a work setting. Don't talkabout work. Ask them about their family and share some information about yourself.Meet With Them at the End of the DayTake just a few minutes to ask if they have any questions or any needs they'dlike to talk about. Remind them that you or their buddy is there if they haveany questions or needs.

Meet Again With the New Employee During the First Few DaysReview the job description again. Nikon coolpix 5700 driver windows 7. Remind them to review the employee manualand sign a form indicating they have reviewed the manual and will comply withits contents. Review any specific performance goals for the position. In thesame meeting, explain the performance review procedure and provide them a copyof the performance review document. Have One-On-One Meetings On a Weekly Basis for the First Six WeeksOne of the biggest mistakes of new supervisors is to meet with direct reportsonly when there are problems.

That sends the message 'I'm only here ifyou have a problem, and you better not have any problems.' Instead, meetto discuss the new employee's transition into the organization, get status onwork activities, hear any pending issues or needs, and establish a working relationshipwith the new employee. Additional Perspectives on Employee OrientationLearn More in the Library's Blogs Related tothis TopicIn addition to the articles on this current page, also seethe following blogs that have posts related to this topic. Scandown the blog's page to see various posts. Also see the section'Recent Blog Posts' in the sidebar of the blog or clickon 'next' near the bottom of a post in the blog.

Theblog also links to numerous free related resources.Go to main page.For the Category of Training and Development:To round out your knowledge of this Library topic, you may want to review some related topics, available from the link below. Each of the related topics includes free, online resources.Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

Orientation and Training of Sales ClerksDay Training, Orientation and Evaluation for Department Stores' Sales ClerksBecause this Department Store chain has seven stores in the city, it seems expedient that new sales clerks receive quality training before beginning work, during a 3-day Training and Orientation Program. Hiring and placing a new sales clerk should begin with their having a thorough of the expectations and policies of the Department Store, in addition to what should already be numbered in the new sales clerk's repertoire of skills.

However, in order to refresh and train for quality service, this Department Store will also review the basic skills and knowledge which the occupation requires, as well as train the new sales clerks on our custom computerized cash registers. The course of study is outlined below:Day One:In the morning of Day One, as the Training and Orientation Program begins, the Department personnel will orient the new personnel to the Department Store by giving them as much information as they can about its history and the reasons it has remained a popular store throughout a long period of time in this city. The new employees are then told the schedule of study and how the next three days will benefit them as they begin their new jobs. They will be told how it will help them solve certain problems and that it will encompass many different aspects of the job, from the technical to customer relations. The Human Relations Department will also serve a light snack at the break each morning and afternoon.A definition of what a Sales Clerk is, will be part of the program and a film is shown, demonstrating the skills a good sales clerk knows and how they interact with customers. 'While it may not be required, it is recommended that cashiers have a high school diploma.' (Kelly, 2008) The Occupational Handbook also says that 'For some entry-level jobs, personal characteristics are more important than formal training.

Employers generally seek people who read, write, and speak well; compute accurately; think logically; learn quickly; get along with others; and demonstrate dependability.' The Bureau of Labor Statistics website provides basic information and also goes into greater detail about a more highly skilled and experienced Sales Clerk. (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09). Information will also include voluntary certifications in this field, for which some sales clerks may wish to study.This orientation program will deliver to the new personnel and briefly go over the Handbook which contains the policies and procedures of their job, including work hours, holidays and pay provided, as well as the principles upon which the company was founded. This Department Store has high expectations of its staff in the areas of honesty, friendliness and integrity of product. These are the key points in the high standards upon which this Department Store was founded.

Upholding these standards creates and maintains a valuable customer base. It is through understanding these high standards that the new personnel will be able to function effectively in their position as sales clerks.During the afternoon hours, Personnel trainers will take over to begin training in earnest.

Orientation Program

The new personnel will receive a review of the basic skills which they already have or may refresh or relearn. These involve:A quick review of the computerized cash register system and demonstration of the functions of this system.Counting cash and checks and storing them in the cash register. Cite This Thesis:APA FormatOrientation Training Program for New Salesclerks. (2009, June 28). Retrieved December 17, 2019, from Format'Orientation Training Program for New Salesclerks.' 28 June 2009.

Orientation/training Program For New Sales Clerks

17 December 2019.Chicago Format'Orientation Training Program for New Salesclerks.' June 28, 2009. Accessed December 17, 2019.