Pdf Perdarahan Subarachnoid

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Official URL:AbstractSubarachnoid Hemorrhage is a significant cause of mortality and morbiditythroughout the World and patients who survive usually experience neurological deficit.In addition it happens frequently in women.This research is aimed to find the clinical profile of Subarachnoid Hemorrhagepatients in RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya within July 2013 – June 2016. This researchis an observational – descriptive research. The data collection of this research is totalsampling of Subarachnoid hemorrhage patients in RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya withinJuly 2013 – June 2016.In this research there are 191 patients of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage patients inRSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya in July 2013 – June 2016.

Wacky races board game deluxe. The number of female patientsis still dominated with a total of 112 patients (59%), while for males in 79 patients(41%). The age group 46-65 is the age range most often found with a number of 118patients (62%). Of the various other risk factors from past medical history, hypertensionis a risk factor that is most commonly experienced by patients with the number of 112patients (73%).


Loss of consciousness is the most common symptom seen in patientsupon hospital admission with a number of 109 patients (57%). The number of patientswho had grade 4 WFNS with the number of 82 patients.

Surgical therapy is recordedonly 22 patients (11%) who use this therapy. Coilling method is most commonly usedby patients with a number of 20 patients (91%). Because the mortality rate is still quitehigh, outcome death in patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in the Hospital Dr. Soetomo still often the case with the number of 94 patients (49%).

Johns Hopkins University


J Ricardo Carhuapoma

The common causesfor the death of a patient due to Cerebral herniation experienced by 75 patients (80%).The mortality of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage patients in RSUD Dr. SoetomoSurabaya in July 2013 – June 2016 is still high; patients who suffer the most based onthe age group are 46 – 65 years old, while based on Sex is Woman. Item Type:Thesis(Skripsi)Additional Information:KKA KK FK.PD.186/17 Dar pUncontrolled Keywords:Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Age, Gender, Risk Factor, Symptom,Severity, Surgical therapy, OutcomeSubjects:Divisions:Creators:CreatorsNIM/NIDNAhmad Faisal Darmawan, NIM84NIM84Contributors:ContributionNameNIDN/NIDK/NUPContributorAchmad Firdaus Sani, dr., SpS,FINSUNSPECIFIEDContributorWidati Fatmaningrum, Dr., dr,M.Kes,Sp.GKUNSPECIFIEDDepositing User:Mr Binkol1 1Date Deposited:30 Dec 2017 16:48Last Modified:30 Dec 2017 16:48URI:Sosial Share.