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3.8.0 / 14 October 2019; 2 months ago ( 2019-10-14)2.7.17 / 19 October 2019; 59 days ago ( 2019-10-19), (since 3.5).py,.pyi,.pyc,.pyd,.pyo (prior to 3.5),.pyw,.pyz (since 3.5)WebsiteMajor,Influenced by,Influenced, Ring,. at WikibooksPython is an,. Created by and first released in 1991, Python's design philosophy emphasizes with its notable use of.

Its language constructs and approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.Python is. It supports multiple, including, object-oriented,. Python is often described as a 'batteries included' language due to its comprehensive.Python was conceived in the late 1980s as a successor to the. Python 2.0, released in 2000, introduced features like and a system capable of collecting. Python 3.0, released in 2008, was a major revision of the language that is not completely, and much Python 2 code does not run unmodified on Python 3.The Python 2 language, i.e. Python 2.7.x, is officially being discontinued on January 1, 2020 (first planned for 2015) after which security patches and other improvements will not be released for it. With Python 2's, only Python 3.5.x and later will be supported.Python are available for many.

A global community of programmers develops and maintains, an. A, the, manages and directs resources for Python and CPython development.

Main article:Python was conceived in the late 1980s by at (CWI) in the as a successor to the (itself inspired by ), capable of and interfacing with the operating system. Its implementation began in December 1989. Van Rossum shouldered sole responsibility for the project, as the lead developer, until July 12, 2018, when he announced his 'permanent vacation' from his responsibilities as Python's, a title the Python community bestowed upon him to reflect his long-term commitment as the project's chief decision-maker. He now shares his leadership as a member of a five-person steering council. In January, 2019, active Python core developers elected Brett Cannon, Nick Coghlan, Barry Warsaw, Carol Willing and Van Rossum to a five-member 'Steering Council' to lead the project.Python 2.0 was released on 16 October 2000 with many major new features, including a and support for.Python 3.0 was released on 3 December 2008.

It was a major revision of the language that is not completely. Many of its major features were to Python 2.6.x and 2.7.x version series.

Releases of Python 3 include the 2to3 utility, which automates (at least partially) the translation of Python 2 code to Python 3.Python 2.7's date was initially set at 2015 then postponed to 2020 out of concern that a large body of existing code could not easily be forward-ported to Python 3. Features and philosophy Python is a. And are fully supported, and many of its features support and (including by and (magic methods)). Many other paradigms are supported via extensions, including and.Python uses and a combination of and a cycle-detecting garbage collector for.

It also features dynamic , which binds method and variable names during program execution.Python's design offers some support for in the tradition. It has filter, map, and reduce functions;, sets, and expressions. The standard library has two modules (itertools and functools) that implement functional tools borrowed from and.The language's core philosophy is summarized in the document The ( PEP 20), which includes such as:. Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit.

Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Readability counts.Rather than having all of its functionality built into its core, Python was designed to be highly. This compact modularity has made it particularly popular as a means of adding programmable interfaces to existing applications. Van Rossum's vision of a small core language with a large standard library and easily extensible interpreter stemmed from his frustrations with, which espoused the opposite approach.Python strives for a simpler, less-cluttered syntax and grammar while giving developers a choice in their coding methodology. In contrast to 's ' motto, Python embraces a 'there should be one—and preferably only one—obvious way to do it' design philosophy., a Fellow at the Python Software Foundation and Python book author, writes that 'To describe something as 'clever' is not considered a compliment in the Python culture.'

Python's developers strive to avoid, and reject patches to non-critical parts of the reference implementation that would offer marginal increases in speed at the cost of clarity. When speed is important, a Python programmer can move time-critical functions to extension modules written in languages such as C, or use, a. Is also available, which translates a Python script into C and makes direct C-level API calls into the Python interpreter.An important goal of Python's developers is keeping it fun to use. This is reflected in the language's name—a tribute to the British comedy group —and in occasionally playful approaches to tutorials and reference materials, such as examples that refer to spam and eggs (from a ) instead of the standard.A common in the Python community is pythonic, which can have a wide range of meanings related to program style.

To say that code is pythonic is to say that it uses Python idioms well, that it is natural or shows fluency in the language, that it conforms with Python's minimalist philosophy and emphasis on readability. In contrast, code that is difficult to understand or reads like a rough transcription from another programming language is called unpythonic.Users and admirers of Python, especially those considered knowledgeable or experienced, are often referred to as Pythonistas. Syntax and semantics. N = int ( input ( 'Type a number, then its factorial will be printed: ' )) if n. See also:Most Python implementations (including CPython) include a (REPL), permitting them to function as a for which the user enters statements sequentially and receives results immediately.Other shells, including and, add further abilities such as auto-completion, session state retention and.As well as standard desktop, there are -based IDEs; (intended for developing science and math-related Python programs);, a browser-based IDE and hosting environment; and Canopy IDE, a commercial Python IDE emphasizing.

Implementations. See also: Reference implementation is the of Python. It is written in, meeting the standard with several select features.

It compiles Python programs into an intermediate which is then executed by its. CPython is distributed with a large standard library written in a mixture of C and native Python. It is available for many platforms, including and most modern systems. Platform portability was one of its earliest priorities. Other implementations is a fast, compliant interpreter of Python 2.7 and 3.5.

Its brings a significant speed improvement over a significant fork of CPython that implements; it does not use the C memory stack, thus allowing massively concurrent programs. PyPy also has a stackless version.and are Python 3 variants optimized for. This includes.RustPython is a Python 3 interpreter written in. Unsupported implementations Other just-in-time Python compilers have been developed, but are now unsupported:. Google began a project named in 2009, with the aim of speeding up the Python interpreter five-fold by using the, and of improving its multithreading ability to scale to thousands of cores, while ordinary implementations suffer from the. is a compiler that integrates with CPython and transforms bytecode to machine code at runtime. The emitted code is specialized for certain and is faster than standard Python code.In 2005, released a Python interpreter for the mobile phones named.

It includes many of the modules from the CPython implementations and some additional modules to integrate with the operating system. The project has been kept up-to-date to run on all variants of the S60 platform, and several third-party modules are available.

The Nokia also supports Python with widget libraries, enabling programs to be written and run on the target device. Cross-compilers to other languages There are several compilers to high-level, with either unrestricted Python, a restricted subset of Python, or a language similar to Python as the source language:. compiles into Java byte code, which can then be executed by every implementation. Main article:Since 2003, Python has consistently ranked in the top ten most popular programming languages in the where, as of December 2018, it is the third most popular language (behind, and ). It was selected Programming Language of the Year in 2007, 2010, and 2018.An empirical study found that scripting languages, such as Python, are more productive than conventional languages, such as C and Java, for programming problems involving string manipulation and search in a dictionary, and determined that memory consumption was often 'better than Java and not much worse than C or C'.Large organizations that use Python include, and some smaller entities like. The social news networking site is written entirely in Python.Python can serve as a for, e.g., via for the.

With, a standard API has evolved to facilitate these applications. Like, and support developers in the design and maintenance of complex applications. And can be used to develop the client-side of Ajax-based applications.

Can be used as to a relational database. Is a framework to program communications between computers, and is used (for example) by.Libraries such as, and allow the effective use of Python in, with specialized libraries such as and providing domain-specific functionality. Is a with a programmable in Python: its library covers many aspects of, including, and.Python has been successfully embedded in many software products as a scripting language, including in software such as, 3D parametric modeler like, 3D animation packages such as, the visual effects compositor, 2D imaging programs like, and, and programs like. Uses Python as a to show complex structures such as C containers. Promotes Python as the best choice for writing scripts in. It has also been used in several video games, and has been adopted as first of the three available in, the other two being and.Python is commonly used in projects with the help of libraries like,. As a scripting language with, simple syntax and rich text processing tools, Python is often used for.Many operating systems include Python as a standard component.

It ships with most , (as a package), (as a package) and and can be used from the command line (terminal). Many Linux distributions use installers written in Python: uses the installer, while and use the installer. Uses Python in its,.Python is used extensively in the industry, including in exploit development.Most of the software for the XO, now developed at, is written in Python. The project has adopted Python as its main user-programming language.includes Python, and intends to replace Java with Python. Its Python Scripting Provider is a core feature since Version 4.0 from 7 February 2013.Languages influenced by Python Python's design and philosophy have influenced many other programming languages:. uses indentation, a similar syntax, and a similar object model. uses indentation and a similar syntax, and its 'Acknowledgements' document lists Python first among languages that influenced it.

However, Cobra directly supports, and optional., a programming language that cross-compiles to JavaScript, has Python-inspired syntax. borrowed and from Python.

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is designed for the 'speed of working in a dynamic language like Python' and shares the same syntax for slicing arrays. was motivated by the desire to bring the Python design philosophy to. was designed 'with. And to be as usable for general programming as Python and should be as fast as C'. Calling to or from Julia is possible; to with PyCall.jl and a Python package pyjulia allows calling, in the other direction, from Python. is a functional programming language with an interactive shell similar to Python.

However, Kotlin is strongly typed with access to standard Java libraries. 's creator, has said: 'I wanted a scripting language that was more powerful than Perl, and more object-oriented than Python. That's why I decided to design my own language.' ., a programming language developed by Apple, has some Python-inspired syntax., dynamically typed programming language used to create video-games.

It is extremely similar to Python with a few minor differences.Python's development practices have also been emulated by other languages. For example, the practice of requiring a document describing the rationale for, and issues surrounding, a change to the language (in Python, a PEP) is also used in and.Python received TIOBE's Programming Language of the Year awards in 2007, 2010 and 2018. The award is given to the language with the greatest growth in popularity over the year, as measured by the. See also.

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Retrieved 3 June 2014. I started work on the Swift Programming Language in July of 2010. I implemented much of the basic language structure, with only a few people knowing of its existence. A few other (amazing) people started contributing in earnest late in 2011, and it became a major focus for the Apple Developer Tools group in July 2013. drawing ideas from Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, CLU, and far too many others to list. Kupries, Andreas; Fellows, Donal K. (14 September 2000).

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& (2009). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.Further reading.

Downey, Allen B. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Version 1.6.6 ed.). Hamilton, Naomi (5 August 2008). Archived from on 29 December 2008.

Retrieved 31 March 2010. Lutz, Mark (2013). Learning Python (5th ed.). O'Reilly Media. Pilgrim, Mark (2004). Apress. Pilgrim, Mark (2009).

Dive Into Python 3. Apress. Summerfield, Mark (2009).

Programming in Python 3 (2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley Professional.External links.