Rescue Bots I Have Heard The Robots Singing

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I think you have me confused with someone else.High Tide came to in response to a request from Optimus. He was investigating the seabed around near when he rescued from a whirlpool, and took the back to land.

There Optimus assigned High Tide to train the Rescue Bots in water rescues. He took them out on his ship and drilled them, though he was unimpressed with how they did, requiring him to rescue at one point, and the next day he was even subjected to insubordination from Heatwave, whom he kicked off the ship.

Training was interrupted by a crisis at the oil rig, and the Rescue Bots proved their worth by rescuing and, as well as capping the oil shaft to stop the spill. High Tide later admitted his management style could use work, and agreed to stick around as Doc's had been destroyed. Darling it's better down where it's wetter, take it from me!After arrived from the past, High Tide took him and the Rescue Bots out on the ship.

Transformers Rescue Bots Arrivals

His submarine mode turned out to be invaluable to let Verne, Cody and the Chief reach 's sub the. When Morocco unleashed several large sea beasts on the ship, High Tide simply merged with it, and the sight of the resulting giant 'Bot made Morocco surrender.High Tide sat in on a call to the Rescue Bots who were going to give some new recruits some tips, only to find the Bots on Griffin Rock were only able to sing.

High Tide was on his way to Griffin Rock with Blurr and Salvage when they had to stop and rescue. They were in sight of the island when it suddenly disappeared, leaving a number of surprised humans to rescue. They were soon contacted by Chief Burns, and had to clear out the crater where Griffin Rock used to be, so the island could be relocated there after flying back from the where it had been teleported.On, High Tide celebrated by repeatedly jumping into the sea, until he was told to stop because he was creating huge waves. The Rescue Bots later called him in to tell stories to a super-sized so she could fall asleep. He was later seen telling Griffin Rock residents a story about the destruction of the.Quickshadow and High Tide were assigned as Blades's team to protect the in,. They proved unable to prevent the from stealing the technology from under their olfactory sensors. Later back at the Training Center, they were present as Optimus made the assignment permanent.2015 Robots in Disguise cartoonFollowing the restoration of Cybertron from the, High Tide was one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the new for being a supporter of.

Toys Rescue Bots. Sailing for adventure on the big, blue, wet thing!. High Tide Rescue Rig (Playset, 2015)The High Tide playset includes a large playset in the shape of a ship and a submarine with a simplified transformation into a robot. The front of the ship's hull directly in front of the bridge can be opened and the robot placed inside. Pulling a lever on the side of the ship up raises the robot and reveals the Megabot head.

Pushing the levers down auto-transforms the robot into submarine mode inside the ship. The lower front of the hull can be swiveled to one side to expel the submarine.

Man the bilge pumps!. Deep Water Rescue High Tide (Megabot, 2016)Part of the second wave of Megabots figures, High Tide in, of course, his Megabot Mode changes into a huge rescue ship and back in a few steps. His crane is removable and can be placed on his robot mode back or on attachment points on both his stern and bow in ship mode. These connection points are the same as the ladder piece from Elite Rescue thus making their tools interchangeable if you felt so inclined to swap them.He features articulation at his shoulders and numerous 5mm slots to attach Rescue Mini-Con tools as well as small pegs to accommodate human figures.

( horns honking ) Please be patient, citizens.You must take turns to make turns.Is the mayor handing out money or something? Something people like even better.The chance to be famous.That, and a recording contract.Today's the auditions for Griffin Rock Idol.And all these people are waiting in line to sing.Psh.Real idols don't sing.Well, I don't.It's silly.Rescue work is no place for singing.What we do is serious.I like singing.I want to audition.Blades, I thought performing in front of people made you nervous? That's true.Okay, scratch the audition.I'll take the famous part, though.( horn honks ) Hey, Frankie! Here to try out? Later on, when the line goes down.Daddy and I came to test a new invention in the auditorium.We're just going to sneak around the back.Bye for now! This is Huxley Prescott giving you an 'eyeful' from my tower high above City Hall.MAN: Ah, here he comes.Uh Is that the mayor? I just need to move a little so I can Whoa Whoa!

( gasps ) MAN: It's moving! ( upbeat theme playing ) ( screams ) Power up and energize! ( crowd yelps ) ( crowd murmurs ) Mayor Luskey, you might want to postpone the auditions a bit while we clean up this mess.But Chief, I Hmm.That would give the mainland news crew more time to get here.Folks, sorry to say, we're going to have to postpone the Griffin Rock Idol auditions for another, uh, eh Let's call it two hours.( crowd whines ) We waited long enough.Hey, Doc.Frankie.Ah, Cody! Glad you're here.Care to help us test my new device? I call it the 'Tone-O-Tuner.'

When anyone sings into the microphone, it keeps them on pitch, automatically and instantaneously.I thought it could be useful for the auditions.But isn't it kind of like cheating? If everybody in the competition used a machine to help them sing better, how do you know who's really good and who isn't? FRANKIE: See Daddy? That's what I told him.If I'm going to be Griffin Rock Idol, I want to earn it with my own voice.One hundred percent me.Well, I'm sure I'll find a good use for this eventually.Pretty sure I will too.Like winning a recording contract.Like Mother always says It's not cheating if you win.Do re mi mi mi Ew.Me, me, me Ugh! This thing doesn't work.What a piece of junk.( crowd clamoring ) ( Huxley sighs ) HUXLEY: Fast Build Scaffolding.More like Fast Collapsible! Oh, and now the mayor will only talk to the Mainland News crew.Sometimes I wonder why I gave up selling shoes.( ominous theme playing ) Thanks for the quick clean-up, team.I too am grateful.We now have sufficient time to plan the order of our presentation to Optimus.That's today? I'm not ready!

Rescue bots i have heard the robots singing song words

Purple Rescue Bot

And I already told you, I don't like being in front of large groups.It's not large, Blades.Blurr, Salvage, High Tide, a few others.You'll be fine.But it's on-camera! Well, I can help if you want, Blades.What's the presentation about? Optimus asked us to go over rescue basics with the new guys.( siren wailing ) Heatwave, help me fix the Hydrant.Got it.Are you all right? I I'm not sure, I ( beeping ) I think I'll be okay Wha? Heatwave, You and Boulder move the van Did I just sing that?

Rescue Bots I Have Heard The Robots Singing Song Words

Okay, Don, Step out of your sedan Kade, why are you singing? Whoa.Me too.I thought I'd seen everything In Griffin Rock, but This is new This is new We're singing Something's not right I'll give Doc a call La la la la la If there's an answer He can find it What an odd plight Wouldn't be surprised at all Tell me something else new La la la, I like this Blades, you're the only one Has to be A simple explanation Let me say it's This will make rescuing Tough Will it last long? La la la la la Just an aberration Not that weird After all it's Griffin Rock Bright side Kade You could serenade Hayley Girls just love a man Who sings Good one, Dani, You get more funny daily Hey, I laughed.You're not helping things Stop singing.Everyone relax I'm not singing you are All of us are singing Does someone have a plan?