1984 John Hurt Torrent

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Richard Burton as O’Brien during the Two Minute Hate.Yet despite the grime, the naturalistic and understated performances, and the unrelenting pessimism, 1984 is still a brilliantly fascinating watch. It even has the occasional flash of grim humour. Gregor Fisher plays the pathetic Parsons, Smith’s neighbour who, despite being gormlessly committed to Big Brother, ends up being dobbed in to the authorities for Thought Crime by his repulsive kids.

In another scene Smith takes part in a morning TV exercise show in which he’s told off by the grim PE teacher complete with 1940s school gym kit for not touching his toes properly.The movie 1984 didn’t escape controversy. In fact Michael Radford publicly disowned it after falling out with Virgin Films, partly because of the latter’s insistence on using the Eurythmics for some of the soundtrack (hence the toe-curlingly off-register disco single 1984 – Sex Crime with its ‘oop boop boopy-doop’ chorus set to a video of jackbooted oppression). The ending was also left ambiguous, partly as a sop to the US market who, apparently, would have struggled with Winston Smith’s ultimate surrender to Big Brother.

All of this begs the question as to what the movie would have been like if Richard Branson hadn’t stuck his fingers in, because despite the arguments and accusations surrounding its release, it really is a superb film – both as an adaptation of George Orwell’s novel, and for including one of John Hurt’s finest performances.

I was shocked when I heard that John Hurt had died. I knew he had been ill and had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but still One of the many actors that had always been there for me was now gone.

The Elephant Man, Alien, Watership Down, some TV thing called Doctor Who, and Ralph Bakshi’s animated Lord of the Rings.But there’s two films that stand out particularly for me – 1984 and V for Vendetta. In those films, we see Hurt play both sides of the coin in narratives that depict dystopian totalitarian societies. V for Vendetta has long been a favourite of mine and I always remember, remember to watch every November! Anyway, I think most people are familiar with the basic story of 1984; Winston Smith works in MINREC (Ministry of Records) as one of the workers tasked with rewriting history by changing old news articles to suit the message of the day. He becomes so disillusioned with this state of affairs that he starts writing a journal, committing his thought crimes to paper and rebels by falling in love with Julia, committing the hideous sin of a sex crime in the process.

However, the man he thought was sympathetic was actually working for the thought police to catch him in his crimes. Winston and Julia are carted off and we see Winston undergo torture in the infamous “Room 101” to re-instil his love for Big Brother and The Party.Hurt’s performance in this is, of course, outstanding and should have won more awards than it did. 1984 won Best Film and Best Actor for John Hurt at the 1985 Evening Standard British Film Awards. Richard Burton deserves a mention for his chilling portrayal of the party official who betrays and then tortures Smith.And now, on to one of my all time favourite films, V for Vendetta! This time, Hurt plays the glorious High Chancellor of the ruling party, Adam Sutler. It is interesting to note that the film’s producers decided to change the name from the graphic novel in which he was known as Adam Susan.

1984 john hurt full movie1984 movie john hurt

Sutler is a portmanteau word made up from “Susan” and “Hitler”!Whilst Hurt’s role isn’t that large in the film, it is still great to see him ranting on screen and chewing the scenery – especially during the scene where he plays two versions of himself (both fools) in a comedy sketch. As Adam Susan in V for Vendetta, Hurt becomes the very thing that Winston Smith rebelled against in 1984 the leader of the totalitarian state that wants to control every aspect of the people’s lives – and he does it marvellously!

In another parallel, the logo of the ruling party in 1984, INGSOC, is backed by a big “V” and in V for Vendetta, the “V” represents the rebel. I like connections like this! The world of V for Vendetta has many parallels with that of 1984, a totalitarian state with, most likely, an invented enemy to keep the population fearful and compliant. Here, we have a government that even more blatantly uses the media to brainwash the populace that that in 1984.

Richard Burton 1984 John Hurt

I’m sure that if Orwell had written his story in modern times then it would be very much like V for Vendetta and the Chancellor would be orange with shredded wheat for hair!In a nutshell, V for Vendetta chronicles the story of Evey Hammond, as V saves her from secret police thugs and introduces her to his crusade against the tyrannical state. This is part revenge story and part freedom fighter tale, as V sets about killing those who created him and destabilising the government enough for the people to take note and stand up for themselves. Evey eventually takes on the role of rebel, making the final play in place of V and becomes the new saviour of the people by making the choice to blow up the Houses of Parliament.So my tribute to John Hurt is really to thank him for playing such a large part in bringing two stories that are supposed to be fiction to life in a world that seems to be hurtling head first into the very state of affairs that these films were warning us against! Whilst 1984 is much more bleak, offering us little hope, I do take courage from V for Vendetta knowing that there will always be people willing to fight for freedom from the tyranny of authoritarian states!Verily, I say “Vive la revolution!”.