C Program Convert Decimal Roman Numerals

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Roman numerals are based on below symbols. SYMBOL VALUEI 1IV 4V 5IX 9X 10XL 40L 50XC 90C 100CD 400D 500CM 900M 1000A number in Roman Numerals is a string of these symbols written in descending order(e.g. M’s first, followed by D’s, etc.).

C program convert decimal roman numerals online

Roman numerals were the standard way of writing numbers for over a thousand years in our history. Even after the decline of the Roman Empire, they remained in use for many centuries.Eventually they were replaced by the Arabic numbers that we are still using today. Converting Roman numerals to their more legible decimal counterparts is a beginner-friendly algorithm challenge you will find on many exercise websites. Do you remember how to count to 1000 using Roman numerals? Just in case that it's been a while since you've encountered Medieval Latin literature, have a look at the table of numbers below. As you can see, we have a limited set of symbols here.

C Program Convert Decimal Roman Numerals

Convert Roman Numerals To Decimal

We can create the numbers to fill the spaces by chaining multiple symbols. Let's have a look at the numbers 1-10. Decimal0RomanIIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXLet's take a look at two special cases 4 and 9. What happens here is that instead of adding values, we are subtracting the first value from the second. So the Roman numeral at 4 is effectively `5-1`.

At 9 we are looking at `10-1`. In every other case, we are simply adding up all the numbers to build the sum. So `VII` is `5+1+1 = 7`.As a rule of thumb, you should keep in mind that no letter should be repeated more than 3 times. If you are repeating it more than that, you should skip to the next letter and calculate the number using subtraction instead. Let's have a look at some examples RomanLXVIDXXXXCVIIXXXIXXIXCalculation50+10+5+1500+0-10+5+1+110+10+10+10-110+10-1Result9The biggest challenge is to know when to add and when to subtract. I always try to look out for a pattern where a lower number is placed before a higher number. Take for example XCVII.

X is smaller than C, so we need to calculate C - X instead of X + C.Why do I give you such a lengthy introduction to this topic? I strongly believe that it's important to first really understand the pattern behind the problem you are trying to solve.If you try to write a Roman numeral converter without having recognized the patterns behind these numbers, you'll (most likely) end up writing code without logic.

Convert Integer To Roman Numeral Java

Long, buggy and unstructured code.With that being said, let's write some code! Converting Roman NumeralsFor the first part of our algorithm, we will take a decimal number and convert it into a Roman number.