Crackdown Confiscator Achievement

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I've beat it and put it in the dust collection, but glad to hear you're enjoying it. I had a blast with it.

Once you get jumping (agility) maxed out, it becomes a different game. I need to go back and max out driving though. It's a fantastic game and just waiting for Crackdown 2 to come out.

Co-op's a blast if you can keep your friend near you. The guy I played with already had all his stats 5-starred and just abandoned me - View image here. Originally posted by prophet:I've beat it and put it in the dust collection, but glad to hear you're enjoying it.

I had a blast with it. Once you get jumping (agility) maxed out, it becomes a different game.

I need to go back and max out driving though. It's a fantastic game and just waiting for Crackdown 2 to come out. Co-op's a blast if you can keep your friend near you. The guy I played with already had all his stats 5-starred and just abandoned me - View image here: -Yeah, I recently made it to the top of the Agency Tower with 3 Agility with the help of a friend. I tried it with Keys to the City w/ max Agility, and it was actually harder. For some reason I wasn't able to shimmy onto ledges with Agility maxed out, but I was with 3.And with co-op, I played some Rocket Tag, and that was pretty fun.

Crackdown confiscator achievement program

Like I said, I have 3 Agility and nearing 4, so I don't have a hard time keeping up with my maxed out friend. View image here. Originally posted by Agreschn:I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but there isn't going to be a Crackdown 2. View image here: -Aww, man. Despite the total lack of personality and wit that GTA has, a few design flaws, and the lack of local co-op, Crackdown was such a joy to play.I can't think of another game in recent history that I not only liked enough to play all the way through but also continued playing (and made good progress on a second playthrough) after beating. Originally posted by Agreschn:I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, but there isn't going to be a Crackdown 2. View image here: -Aww, man.

Despite the total lack of personality and wit that GTA has, a few design flaws, and the lack of local co-op, Crackdown was such a joy to play.I can't think of another game in recent history that I not only liked enough to play all the way through but also continued playing (and made good progress on a second playthrough) after beating.I rarely finish video games. I just get so bored with them, I'll play them halfway through then put them away to collect dust. With Crackdown, however, I think I may not only finish it, but make an effort to get most of the achievements. Originally posted by PerfectCr:I had to resurrect the gangs to get the Confiscator achievement but now I need to defeat them all again so I can get the remaining Hidden Orbs. I am always up for some Coop action - View image here: -Mind if I add you? My GT is schizanthum.Sure! Remember that when you play Coop, you are joining the save game of that person.

So, if you joined me, you would see 'my' Crackdown world. It would have no ability Orbs (since I got them all). So it would be better for me to join you. Also, getting all the stunt rings is easier with two people, although I got them all by myself. Originally posted by PerfectCr:I had to resurrect the gangs to get the Confiscator achievement but now I need to defeat them all again so I can get the remaining Hidden Orbs.

I am always up for some Coop action - View image here: -Mind if I add you? My GT is schizanthum.Sure! Remember that when you play Coop, you are joining the save game of that person. So, if you joined me, you would see 'my' Crackdown world. It would have no ability Orbs (since I got them all). So it would be better for me to join you. Also, getting all the stunt rings is easier with two people, although I got them all by myself.You have been added.

View image here: -I hear that to get the stunt rings in co-op, all you need to do is be IN the car while the other person throws you through the ring, heh. Is this true? Originally posted by booticon:I hear that to get the stunt rings in co-op, all you need to do is be IN the car while the other person throws you through the ring, heh. Is this true?Yeah, for some that is true. For others you need to do it the old fashioned way. Get a ramp truck, line it up, then hop in the Agency SUV and jump for it. This is best to do after you've defeated all the gangs.Cool, well I'll be on sometime tonight after I get out of work.

View image here: -Anybody else, feel free to add me and let me know here for co-op. Originally posted by PerfectCr:Sure! Remember that when you play Coop, you are joining the save game of that person. So, if you joined me, you would see 'my' Crackdown world. It would have no ability Orbs (since I got them all). So it would be better for me to join you. Also, getting all the stunt rings is easier with two people, although I got them all by myself.Actually, when you're playing co-op, each player sees his own orbs.

If you collected all your orbs you don't see any, but your co-op partner will still see the ones he misses. I loved crackdown - it was one of the few open world games that really makes you feel like a badass. Scaling ultra tall buildings then sniping the guards surrounding a fortress before running in guns blazing just kicked so much ass.Being a muppet though, I didn't realise you could respawn the gangs and got bored of running around the empty city looking for orbs, so I sold it.

Now I'm tempted to hit ebay and see if I can't pick it up cheap for some car-throwing, rocket-launching, butt-kicking action.I have a sudden urge to charge at a gang car and fly-kick it into another gang member. Originally posted by Dave88:Being a muppet though, I didn't realise you could respawn the gangs and got bored of running around the empty city looking for orbs, so I sold it.I'm not sure it would just respawn the gangs. I read somewhere that it resets all progress, including stats which would be just baaad.I also remember reading some guy complaining that playing Crackdown with another guy who had bought paid-for addons reset his progress. Can't confirm this, though.That was after the first patch, which was later corrected with another update, so there is nothing to worry about now.The 'respawn gangs' option also appeared after the first patch.

It does NOT reset your progress. It's the same game, same abilities, etc. Just with the gangs back. View image here: - Personally I found it easier to search for orbs and get the Stunt Rings without gang members shooting at me every 5 seconds.Sorry about above, I didn't know each player see his own orbs. The best Achievement in this game is the 'Car Juggler'.

View image here: -IMO, Crackdown is STILL the best implementation of the Achievement system of any game released on the 360.Soupy Frood and I ran through all 21 gang members on Psychotic difficultly (100GS!) last summer. Although with a fully powered agent nothing can really stop you. View image here.

Originally posted by Dave88:Being a muppet though, I didn't realise you could respawn the gangs and got bored of running around the empty city looking for orbs, so I sold it.I'm not sure it would just respawn the gangs. I read somewhere that it resets all progress, including stats which would be just baaad.I also remember reading some guy complaining that playing Crackdown with another guy who had bought paid-for addons reset his progress. Can't confirm this, though.Yeah, I played coop the other night w/ a guy that has premium content, and while I wasn't able to get his premium gear after he died, my progress wasn't reset. As mentioned: the resetting stats when starting over was due to an error in the first patch/batch of DLC. This was fixed afterwards and doesn't affect the game anymore. It also only affected people who immediately went into multiplayer to test out the new content. If people went to the single player game first, they were fine.

I was lucky and did the single player first but I know some people didn't. They weren't happy.Andrew: Resurrecting the gangs just 'resets the progress' for how many gang lords you've beaten. It does not affect stats in any way. Actually, this talk of the stat resetting bug reminds me of another critical bug in Crackdown.When you switch accounts, Crackdown doesn't always detect this properly and log you out of your current game.

The case I found involved switching accounts after you died but before respawning.This is a very bad thing in conjunction with the auto-save. I was showing the game to a friend. Once he had had a little bit of time to fool around, I had him pass the controller to me and logged in so I could show him my character and some of the later bosses. It didn't kick us back to the title screen like it usually does when you switch accounts while a game is running.

I thought this was odd, but reflexively quit back to the title screen to start my own game before I had thought about it much.Bad move. When I quit to the title screen it did the auto-save thing, but under my account, wiping out all of my progress. I still had achievements and stuff, but I was back on the first island with all my boss kills, skills, safehouses, and equipment reset to where my friend was. (about 10 minutes into the game). Originally posted by Delor:Actually, this talk of the stat resetting bug reminds me of another critical bug in Crackdown.When you switch accounts, Crackdown doesn't always detect this properly and log you out of your current game. The case I found involved switching accounts after you died but before respawning.This is a very bad thing in conjunction with the auto-save.

I was showing the game to a friend. Once he had had a little bit of time to fool around, I had him pass the controller to me and logged in so I could show him my character and some of the later bosses. It didn't kick us back to the title screen like it usually does when you switch accounts while a game is running. I thought this was odd, but reflexively quit back to the title screen to start my own game before I had thought about it much.Bad move.

When I quit to the title screen it did the auto-save thing, but under my account, wiping out all of my progress. I still had achievements and stuff, but I was back on the first island with all my boss kills, skills, safehouses, and equipment reset to where my friend was. (about 10 minutes into the game)That's not a bug, the game signs into your profile upon booting for purposes of setting up a coop game. It's been known for a while that you should reboot the game with a new account, not do this mid game. Originally posted by PerfectCr:That's not a bug, the game signs into your profile upon booting for purposes of setting up a coop game. It's been known for a while that you should reboot the game with a new account, not do this mid game.Booting up the game has nothing to do with it. Once I managed to switch accounts mid-game I was hosed as soon as I did anything that triggered an auto-save.

(and auto-saves happen constantly in Crackdown)I'm pretty sure allowing for a game played under one account to overwrite save data under another account without any prompt (or way to prevent it besides pulling the plug before it gets a chance to autosave) qualifies as either a 'bug' or 'serious design flaw'.However, I'm also pretty sure this fits under the bug category because normally when you switch accounts while a game is active it kicks you back to the main menu with a message about the active account changing. Almost certainly to prevent what happened to me. I just managed to switch accounts in a state where the account change logic failed.

Originally posted by PerfectCr:Yes booting the game does. Ever notice the 'Signing in to gamer profile' when the game is loading?Yes, but what exactly does that mean? It flips through about three or four windows that say 'loading' in one way or another and doesn't really give you any indication that it's trying to tell you something other than that it's busy loading your game.If they're trying to warn you that attempting to switch user accounts mid-game may result in irreparable data corruption but only in a small fraction of the cases, you'd think they'd say something to that effect. Or perhaps just put a big yellow exclaimation point on the screen with a sign saying 'Don't change accounts mid-game!' Or maybe in that 'the active account has changed, I'm dumping you to main menu' screen that pops up when you switch accounts they would have also appended, 'P.S.

Crackdown Confiscator Achievement

Don't do it again dummy!' Every 360 game out there keys off your gamer profile. (or almost every? I can't think of any exceptions) The profile system is integrated into the 360 software environment. 360 games interact with it to uniquely associate things like save game data and achievements with you, so the fact that the game is accessing your gamer profile isn't really particularly unique or noteworthy. I don't have the technicals but it has to do with being 'joinable' in Crackdown Coop environment.I don't have the technicals either because I'm pretty sure no such information came with the game. There's no indication that they expected however they handle co-op to require special consideration on the part of the user, so I'm guessing that this whole 'remember to power off your box when changing accounts' thing you're quoting to me comes from users who got bitten by the bug like me rather than Microsoft or the developer.

As I said I've seen this mentioned multiple times, but as rule of thumb it is good to do with any 360 game due to how save games are linked with your profile and Live.I've never seen it mentioned in any game manual, loading screen, or in the booklet that came with my 360. Haven't even heard it on the internet until you said it.Pretty much every 360 game out there will kick you to the main menu when you switch profiles, to prevent data stompage. (including Crackdown!) I'm reasonably certain that switching accounts while a game is active is an expected use case for any 360 game, and this is a case of a bit of code not working properly in certain game states rather than user error. Stop being mad you screwed up - View image here: -I was playing some co-op Crackdown tonight actually - it's really the only way to play now that I've done it - and I have to say, aside from Driving, most of the stats are pretty nice to boost for a while. I just hit level 4 agility with 310 agility orbs, and I can safely say I don't plan on going for the other 190. That got ooooold.

It was really fun bouncing from roof to roof, but that last stretch from l3 to l4 agility was pretty annoying.It is fun to do stuff like hitting the boss on the oil rig with your buddy providing sniper support (since he's trying to level up weapon skill) while you infiltrate in from the water. Freeform cooperation (or, if you're feeling evil, sending some rockets at your teammate) is great, doing the road races and rooftop races together is icing on the cake. It really helps if one player has the DLC, though.

I'd almost be tempted except I'm borrowing Crackdown from a friend so I don't want to buy DLC for a game I don't actually own. Originally posted by Psion:I was playing some co-op Crackdown tonight actually - it's really the only way to play now that I've done it - and I have to say, aside from Driving, most of the stats are pretty nice to boost for a while. I just hit level 4 agility with 310 agility orbs, and I can safely say I don't plan on going for the other 190. That got ooooold. It was really fun bouncing from roof to roof, but that last stretch from l3 to l4 agility was pretty annoying.Well first off, getting to 4 stars is not the end, you can max it out again and get very close to 5 stars (you actually get 4 stars plus 99). Once you reach that level your stats are maxed and you don't lose points anymore (for example when you run over a civilian you lose driving points if you are not maxed out)And what kind of a pussy stops at 310 Agility Orbs?

Crackdown Confiscator Achievement Center

What kind of man are you??:P LET'S GO AGENT!I actually never bought the DLC but maybe I should. I got the three front flips achievement using the Agency SUV. Some people said you could only use the Buggy available in the DLC but that's not true. The only achievements I never bothered with are the racing ones. While I liked driving and the rooftops races they got old for me.

I have every other achievement (except 300 Hidden Orbs.If you like Coop try the 'Beat all 21 Bosses in Psychotic Difficulty' achievement. It's pretty easy if you have a maxed out agent. Takes about 2.5 hours to run through it. Originally posted by PerfectCr:And what kind of a pussy stops at 310 Agility Orbs? What kind of man are you??:P LET'S GO AGENT!Probably the sort of man that would rather go around leaping from rooftop to rooftop while engaging in explosive-heavy firefights with heavily armed gangs instead of walking around carefully searching the map for random junk someone left lying around so that you can glorify in receiving a pat on the back from an inanimate object for collecting them all. View image here: -Or, at least, that was my take.

I had lots of fun hopping from building to building collecting 'em, but wasting my time trying to get them all? Maybe the janitors can grab 'em as they go through the city cleaning up the massive destruction I leave in my wake.

I actually never bought the DLC but maybe I should. I got the three front flips achievement using the Agency SUV.The DLC wasn't really that essential, although since I have a full time job I can't say I really regret tossing $10 to get a little extra play out of the game.The harpoon gun was just sick, though. I felt really abusive for using it- a rapid-aiming gun that would instakill anything but bosses? The low ammo capacity was more than offset by the fact you only had to use one shot to kill someone. It complimented a GL or RL very well.

Crackdown Achievement Guide

Originally posted by Delor:Probably the sort of man that would rather go around leaping from rooftop to rooftop while engaging in explosive-heavy firefights with heavily armed gangs instead of walking around carefully searching the map for random junk someone left lying around so that you can glorify in receiving a pat on the back from an inanimate object for collecting them all. View image here: -Well I got a nice sense of accomplishment knowing I found them all.

Crackdown 3 Achievement Guide And Roadmap

I was on 499 for about three weeks until I found it sitting on a lone rock on outskirts of Los Muertos. View image here: - Get the Agility Orbs was very addicting. I can see how being on 300-something can be demoralizing and just drive you to give up, but once you get close to the finish line could you really sleep at night knowing those little green things are out there? - View image here: -View image here.

Crackdown easily gets the 'most underrated game of 2007' award.What's personally amusing to me is that, in my specific case, their marketing backfired. Once I heard about the Halo 3 beta tie-in, I wrote the game off, assuming it had to suck or they wouldn't need to pump it's sales like that.I imagine they came out net ahead on the deal, but in my head, the Halo 3 beta tie-in put it in the same category as movie tie-ins.I'm glad Ars eventually talked me into it, though, that game was great. I should get back to it some time. Originally posted by PerfectCr:but once you get close to the finish line could you really sleep at night knowing those little green things are out there? - View image here: -View image here: -Hah! I'm here to play a cybernetically augmented super-soldier working for an evil authoritarian government, not Pac-Mac.Maybe in Soviet Russia you entertain game, but this is America by god!