Essential Pediatrics Op Ghai Latest Edition

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  1. Essential Pediatrics Op Ghai Latest Edition Pdf
  2. Essential Pediatrics Op Ghai 8th Edition Pdf Free Download
  3. O P Ghai 9th Edition

OP Ghai Essentials of Pediatrics book download 8th edition for free PDF The branch of medicine that deals with the care of children and adolescents is pediatrics. This term has roots in the Greek word pedo pais (a child) and iatros (healer). Pediatrics covers the age group less than 18 yr of age. A physician who specializes in health care of children and adolescents is a pediatrician. The goal of the specialty is to enable a child to survive, remain healthy, and attain the highest possible potential of growth, development and intellectual achievement. Child health encompasses approaches, interventions and strategies that preserve, protect, promote and restore health of children at individual and population level.Children under 15 yr of age comprise about 30% of India’s population. Childhood is the state when the human being is growing and developing.

It is time to acquire habits, values and lifestyles that would make children responsible adults and citizens. The family, society and nation are duty­ bound to make children feel secure, cared for, and protected from exploitation, violence and societal ills. Female children face gender bias in access to healthcare and nutrition. A civilized society nurtures all its children, girls and boys alike, with love, generosity and benevolence.Child is not a miniature adult. The principles of adult medicine cannot be directly adapted to children. Pediatric biology is unique and risk factors of pediatric disease are distinct. Clinical manifestations of childhood diseases may be different from adults.

Indeed, many disorders are unique to children. Drug dosages in children are specific and not a mathematical derivation of the adult doses. Nutrition is a critical necessity for children not only to sustain life, but to ensure their growth and development.Pediatrics as a SpecialtyPediatrics is a fascinating specialty. It encompasses care of premature neonates on the one hand, and adolescents, on the other. The discipline of pediatrics has branched into well­ developed superspecialties (such as neonatology, nephrology, pulmonology, infectious disease, critical care,nod K PaulOP Ghai Essentials of Pediatrics book download 8th edition for free PDFeurology, hematooncology, endocrinology and cardiology). Pediatrics covers intensive care of neonates and children using the most sophisticated technology, on the one hand, and providing home care to newborns and ch dren, on the other.

Child health is thus a state-of-art clinical science as well as a rich public health discipline.Medical students should possess competencies for the care of healthy and sick children. The agenda of high child mortality due to pneumonia, neonatal infections, preterm birth complications, diarrhea, birth asphyxia and vaccine preventable diseases is still unfinished. The benefits of advancing pediatric specialties must reach all children.

Besides, an increasing body of knowledge on pediatric origins of noncommunicable diseases of the adult is set to change the paradigm of child health. Primary prevention, identification of early markers and timely treatment of adult disorders are the emerging imperatives in pediatrics.Historical PerspectiveOP Ghai Essentials of Pediatrics book download 8th edition for free PDF Medical care of children finds place in the ancient Indian, Greek and Chinese systems of health. But as a formal discipline, pediatrics took root in Europe and the US in the 19th century when some of the famous children hospitals were established. BJ Hospital for Children, Mumbai was the first child hospital to be established in India in 1928. Postgraduate diploma in pediatrics was started there in 1944; postgraduate degree programs began in the fifties.

Pediatrics became an independent subject in MBBS course in mid-nineties. The first DM program in neonatology started in 1989 at PGIMER, Chandigarh and in pediatric neurology at AIIMS in 2004.OP Ghai Essentials of Pediatrics book download 8th edition for free PDF.

BookReviewIndian Pediatrics2000;37: 1410-1411GhaiEssential Pediatrics5th editionEditors: Ghai OP, Gupta Piyush, Paul VK.Interprint, New Delhi, 2000, pp 584,Price: Rs. 320/- (hard bound).I still vividly remembermy first encounter with this monograph. As final year undergraduatestudents, we were struggling to find a book that would meet all ourrequirements in an era where Indian authors of medical volumes werevirtually non-existent. Almost simultaneously, Prof. Ghai haddecided to bring out a small textbook of Pediatrics, primarily forundergraduates.

We managed to get the proofs of several Chapters (sincethe book had not been produced) and found them to be tailor made for ouruse. Since that time, this book has firmly established itself as astandard text for undergraduates; the fifth edition of the monographbears ample testimony for this statement.There was a growingfeeling amongst some quarters that the last two editions were not of thequality that had become synonymous with this text; some omissions wereusually pointed out in support of this opinion.

Has the fifth editioncome up to the initial high quality? What is new about the fifthedition?The name of the book hasbeen changed from 'Essential Pediatrics' to 'GhaiEssential Pediatrics', a fitting tribute to the founder editor.Apart from this cosmetic alteration, the current edition represents amajor revision and reorganization effort.

This is largely due to theconstitution of an 'Editorial Board' from this editiononwards. Two new editors have been included; of these Dr. Piyush Guptahas been involved with the book since the 2nd edition and Dr.

Essential Pediatrics Op Ghai Latest Edition Pdf

Op ghai pediatrics pdf

Paulsince the 4th edition. The number of authors has more than doubled (from14 in the last edition to 30 in the present). These changes haveexpanded the range of expertise needed to compile and present anauthentic updated textbook encompassing the various pediatricsubspecialties.The total number of pageshas gone up from 475 to 584, which have been arranged in 29 chapters.

Anattempt has been made to concise the enlarged text. Care has been takento retain the original format and style.Two new chapters havebeen added, namely, Pediatric Otolaryngology and Child Health Programs.While the first may be of immense use to practitioners, the latterhighlights the shift of National strategy from CSSM to Reproductive andChild Health (RCH) Program. Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesseshas also been included and the whole integrated management protocol (asper WHO) has been reproduced in a separate section as appendix. Therevised chapter on Growth and Development lists the complete NCHSreference values of weight and height for age from birth to 18 years atmonthly intervals (this was a glaring deficiency of earlier Editions).The chapter on Nutrition has been revised to include the latest WHOmanagement protocol of severe malnutrition.

Due emphasis has been giveto micronutrients and trace elements.The section onImmunization and Vaccines is considerably improved with incorporation ofavailable newer vaccines, their principles and recommended guidelinesfor their use. The national immunization schedule and suggested IAPmodifications to it also find a place. The two chapters on Infectionshave been reorganized and are more systematic. Latest managementprotocols of dengue, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy have been included.The section on Pediatric HIV is new and includes the recent CDCrecommendations on classification, diagnosis and prevention. Thechapters on fluid electrolytes, hematology and gastrointestinal systemhave been completely rewritten and updated.The section on NewbornCare has been revamped with inputs from neonatologists, with majoremphasis on must know areas of neonatal care such as resuscitation,temperature regulation, problems and care of low birth weight babies,hyperbilirubinemia, etc.

Due emphasis has been given tobreastfeeding and lactation management.A number of flow chartshave been added. Double color printing has been retained. The indexingis now more extensive and better organized.A few lacunae need to beremedied in the future editions. The number of figures and photographsneed to be increased for better understanding. Some illustrations shouldbe colored; at present there are no color photographs.

Essential Pediatrics Op Ghai 8th Edition Pdf Free Download

The font size ofthe text is small and reading for long periods does get strenuous.The quality of productionis good. The book is recommended for undergraduates. I am sure that thePostgraduates and teachers will also find this monograph useful as acore text.H.P.S.

O P Ghai 9th Edition

Sachdev,Professor and Incharge,Division of Clinical Epidemiology,Department of Pediatrics,Maulana Azad Medical College,New Delhi 110 002, India.E-mail.